

Many people stand to achieve huge benefits from Chiropractic care. These benefits can be life-changing; yet many people have never seen a Chiropractor - in fact, some people have never even heard of us!

If you have had a positive experience in your own Chiropractic care, you could do everyone a huge favour by spreading the word and telling your friends and family about your experience.

If someone you know attends an appointment with us following your recommendation, we will be happy to offer you £10 off the cost of your next visit. Please see the terms under the “Conditions” accordion below.

Google Reviews

On a similar note - we’d be very grateful if you get a chance to leave a word or two of feedback on our Google Page to let others know about your experience. This really helps more people to find us, as a lot of people have never seen a Chiropractor before but could stand to get a lot out of it. Your review doesn’t need to be long or in-depth - just a couple of sentences would be great (but by all means go to town if you’re feeling eloquent). There’s no bonus for doing this, apart from our eternal gratitude!

  • The T&Cs are pretty standard, but here they are:

    • The person being referred must have attended and paid for their visit before the referrer is eligible to claim the £10 discount from their next visit (or at least booked their appointment online). We will try to keep track of referrals and action the discount proactively, but if you think we’ve forgotten about it - do remind us!

    • You may take advantage of this scheme as many times as you like, but you cannot apply multiple discounts to the same single session. For example, if you refer three friends, you will receive £10 off each of your next three visits - not £30 off your next visit.

    • The discount cannot be retrospectively applied to past visits for a partial refund.

    • The offer cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount we may be running.

    • The discount is subtracted from a full price visit. For the referrer, this means £10 off the cost of a £48 Regular Treatment Visit (discounted price £38). For example, if you are on a block of care that has brought the fee down to £45 per visit, you would receive a £7 discount (discounted price remains £38). In this case, you would have a £7 credit on your account which could be put towards any future purchases.